Therapy helps emetophobia…

What is emetophobia…?

woman with eyes closed and hands locked over nose, in thought

Emetophobia is the fear of being sick (vomiting). Actually it’s more common than people realise because people hide it due to embarrassment or shame. For most people it can have many aspects. Such as a fear of other people being sick, and a fear of all illness and germs. Just hearing mention of someone feeling unwell will trigger major anxiety for emetophobia sufferers. Increasingly common in children and teenagers too.

Why’s emetophobia so bad..?

The difficulty with emetophobia is that it very often becomes a constant obsession. Most phobia’s only come to mind when the problem presents itself – like seeing a spider or being high up. However with emetophobia it’s often the first thing people think of when they wake, the last they think when they go to sleep. Furthermore – it dominates their whole day.

Can emetophobia be helped…?

Yes – help is available in a number of ways. Some people contact support groups and organisations like to get helpful advice. Trying on your own is difficult because it is a powerful subconscious reaction.

Hypnotherapy helps by reducing the level of general anxiety and stress, thus enabling the brain to think more rationally. Hypnotherapy can also lessen the grip of emetophobia by damaging the response template in the brain and replacing it with a calmer response.

woman with arms out stretched at sunset

BWRT (Brain Working Recursive Therapy) also treats emetophobia by retraining the subconscious response with a more positive one. BWRT needs to be applied to every aspect of the emetophobia, and I have found the two treatments combined is most effective. A double strong approach is needed for what is a very powerful phobia or obsession.

What do I do to start?

So open your mind to believing there really IS an effective treatment for emetophobia which can reduce your symptoms, and improve your quality of life! Read my reviews, like the two below to see how I have helped others achieve. Then contact me, either by leaving a phone message with your name, and number or emailing me on my short contact form. Then we can discuss your needs and get an appointment arranged to get your healing process started.

blonde woman in glasses smiling - Julie Escott
Julie Escott, Clinical Hypnotherapist & BWRT Psychotherapist

I can highly recommend Julie. After a few relaxing sessions, my daughter is now free of her life-limiting emetophobia. Very happy!”  JOANNA

Julie has really helped my daughter with her anxiety and phobia of vomiting. It’s so lovely to see her worrying less and free to get on with her life. She was very anxious to try hypnotherapy at first, but is now recommending it to everyone! Julie is kind, calm and professional and feels like a reassuring pair of hands in which you can trust. I would certainly recommend her. From a very appreciative Mum! CHLOE