Just want to feel better…?
Just want to feel better? Often people don’t know why they’re unhappy but hypnotherapy can help regardless! It gets your mind focused on the positives and working FOR you again. 3 handy tips to feel better fast too.
Just want to feel better? Often people don’t know why they’re unhappy but hypnotherapy can help regardless! It gets your mind focused on the positives and working FOR you again. 3 handy tips to feel better fast too.
Panic attacks are intense distressing episodes, which can occur suddenly. Often triggered by a past negative experience or trauma. Hypnotherapy helps to get control of your mind to prevent panic attacks and anxiety getting hold. I use relaxing, easy sessions to support your mind to replace the negative patterns with calm positive ones. Putting you in control of your mind and creating a calmer life.
People who suffer with the phobia of sickness/vomiting often struggle to keep it out of their minds at all. It’s generally quite obsessive and intrudes on life everyday. Hypnotherapy helps to get you back in control of your responses and mind.
Hypnotherapy works by changing the response of the brain, so the fear is replaced by calm instead. Between 2 and 4 sessions are usually enough to fix phobias for good!
Parents often say to me they’re overwhelmed by what’s expected of them. As a parent myself I vividly recall those early stressful months which is why I’m passionate about this. As soon as the baby arrives, everyone has an opinion … Continued
Early parenting is demanding and can be tough. Lack of sleep and huge life changes come together when we need to be coping. Consider hypnotherapy to help you adapt and get back on top of things.
As we get more stressed our anxiety level rises, and then everything feels too much. Anxiety takes over and we need to take action to change that.
This is the floral tribute we had made for my father who sadly passed in September. It’s of a biplane – because they were his lifelong passion. Losing a parent, even though he was 93yrs – is still a major … Continued
1. Laugh! Think of something that always make you smile, a fave joke, a funny film, a stand up comedian. YouTube is full of clips that you can quickly access. Laughing releases positive brain chemicals and lifts your mood, long … Continued