Help for when children really struggle…

Sometimes parents find their child completely changes. Perhaps they were a little anxious before but were basically coping ok, then quite suddenly everything seems to change. Symptoms a child’s not coping It can seem baffling and overwhelming, when your child changes in … Continued

Beating addictions IS possible…6 tips to help

posted in: addiction, alcohol, hypnotherapy | 0

Finding a solution to an addiction can feel hopeless. It’s a lonely isolating condition and people are often unsympathetic and critical. “Just give up!” But it’s not that easy once it’s taken hold of your mind. Here’s 6 tips to help you move towards finding your solution, without beating yourself up or feeling like a failure…

Driving phobia help in Cornwall

posted in: hypnotherapy | 0

Driving phobia is more common than we realise. It can develop at any time and become very restrictive – stopping us from living the life we want and having freedom to go where we want. But there is driving phobia help available in Cornwall. Hypnotherapy is highly effective at getting control back of our driving and overcoming the subconscious pattern of panicking…

Panic attacks helped by hypnotherapy

Panic attacks are intense distressing episodes, which can occur suddenly. Often triggered by a past negative experience or trauma. Hypnotherapy helps to get control of your mind to prevent panic attacks and anxiety getting hold. I use relaxing, easy sessions to support your mind to replace the negative patterns with calm positive ones. Putting you in control of your mind and creating a calmer life.

Early parenting help from Hypnotherapy

Parents often say to me they’re overwhelmed by what’s expected of them. As a parent myself I vividly recall those early stressful months which is why I’m passionate about this. As soon as the baby arrives, everyone has an opinion … Continued