What is confidence..?

st austell hypnotherapy
Julie Escott, Clinical Hypnotherapist

Confidence is the positive feeling which arises from knowing you are able to achieve something. It means thinking and feeling that you are able to face all the challenges in your life. It can be small challenges, like getting up in the morning or big challenges like starting a new job, course or business. To feel confident you need to believe in yourself and your own skills and value. It doesn’t matter what the challenge is, because if you want to do something but just can’t face it – then it IS a problem and you need to think about getting help.

Why does having confidence matter?

person on top of a rock, silhouetted, arms uplifted

A lack of confidence often goes hand in hand with anxiety, because if you can’t face doing something, it will cause you stress and anxiety – just thinking about it, let alone doing it! Confidence affects every area of life; – work, relationships, friendships, education, health, even shopping. It affects everything you do and how you feel about yourself.  It’s massive! It’s about feeling inadequate and not good enough all of the time, which is draining and very sad. Nobody wants to feel second best and it’s easy to see how depression can follow.

But it doesn’t have to be like this – we can ALL change!  Don’t let fear and insecurities ruin your life. Take control back of your life, your feelings, thoughts and actions & give yourself the happiness you deserve with hypnotherapy

Naturally confident people often don’t understand how incredibly disabling lacking confidence really is. They think saying “don’t worry, it’ll be fine” will make everything better, but it doesn’t.

boy on tyre swing

A lack of confidence can be caused by too much criticism in childhood, which conditions your mind into expecting you’ll make mistakes and get things wrong. People don’t realise they made mistakes simply because they were a child!  Children are learners at everything so naturally make many mistakes. Then the child grows up to be an adult who feels not good enough and focuses on their fear of failure and criticism.  Low self esteem often goes hand in hand with low confidence.

Increase self confidence with hypnotherapy now…

woman on beach at sunset arms outstretched

Fortunately there is help available in the form of hypnotherapy which actually cuts through the fears and enables you to tap into the natural confidence you were born with. It helps your subconscious release your negative beliefs about yourself which you learnt from others in the past. By releasing these old restrictive beliefs and self doubt, you can be freed to discover your own strength and potential. Hypnotherapy replaces the negative thought processes and uses the subconscious mind to change your focus from being self critical and fearful to being positive and confident. It uses light trance work and psychotherapy and is suitable for children and young people, as well as adults.

How children benefit from increasing their confidence..?

little boy running along smiling

Many children get labelled as shy, nervous or highly strung, when in reality they are just lacking in self confidence.  This can have a big impact on their lives.  Many ‘shy’ children are bullied and struggle with school.  Getting the right positive, supportive treatment when they are young can change their whole experience of life.  Hypnotherapy can give them the confidence to be more resilient and assertive.  Hypnotherapy cannot change a child’s personality, but it can give them that extra boost of self belief and confidence to enable them to face life feeling stronger and more able to cope.

* The person or child must want to make the changes themselves, and results vary from person to person.*


Hypnotherapy has helped me to put my life into perspective. I have never felt so confident in my own skin. You explained everything in an easily understandable way. Thank you for helping enrich my life, wish I’d done it years ago and I can never thank you enough. PAT

Julie is amazing! Every session has made such a big difference and helped me grow and become more confident. She can help with a wide range of problems and is really good at what she does. YASMINE

sunlight shining through forest

“5 Star review; Hypnotherapy has been a new experience for myself and thought I’d give it a go. From the first introductory meeting Julie put me at ease from the outset with her friendly, relaxed persona along with advising how the process would work with her wealth of knowledge and experience. 

Steps in a woodland leading from darkness to light at the top.

 I’ve suffered with self doubt and confidence over the years, and Julie has really helped to transform me. I’ve learnt a great deal about how to manage situations, and more importantly my mindset has changed to a more positive outlook from the hypnotherapy sessions. Julie has helped me in building a toolkit to tap into when faced with challenges in daily life, to keep me focused on positive thinking and believe anything is possible.

Julie is amazing with her talent, expertise and you’ll certainly be rewarded with the benefits hypnotherapy can bring you. Thank you Julie.  You truly are incredible and thank you once again for the journey to helping me become a more positive and confident person.” SARAH

First can I say a big THANK YOU for how you have helped my wife. We have been together over 50yrs and she has a heart of gold and is very special! Since she has been seeing you I have seen a massive difference. She is so much more confident, which I am thankful for. I’m so glad we found you. “ PAUL