five gold stars in a row
Julie Escott in St Austell
Julie Escott, Hypnotherapist


Julie is amazing! Every session has made such a big difference and helped me grow and become more confident. She can help with a wide range of problems and is really good at what she does. YASMINE

Julie is fantastic. Can’t rate her help highly enough. I have tried many different things and my last resort was hypnotherapy. Julie has literally changed my life. I feel like a different person. You cannot put a price on mental health. I went in with an open mind and it worked! I would advise anyone who is struggling to give it a go. I cannot thank Julie enough for the tools and support she has given me to make me the person I am today. FIONA

Absolutely amazing results with Julie. l needed help with anxiety after an illness and she was not only very professional but so caring. My husband is so pleased to have his wife back as he remembers me. I have no hesitation recommending Julie, thank you so much for all your help. PAT 

sunlight shining through forest

Even from the first week I left feeling positive that for once I was going to beat the demons in my head. I knew I’d sort out my anxiety and negative thoughts, and be happier in myself. 

The way Julie explained how the brain works, and how to change the thoughts, and retrain the brain were so simple, but also very effective. I’ve really noticed a difference in myself, I feel more confident and able to tackle challenges. Even my friends have noticed a difference in the way I hold myself and the way I stand up for myself. I allow myself the time to work things out, but if I can’t, that’s also OK.  

I can’t thank Julie enough for how she has helped and changed me, to be happier and more confident. TOM

If you are sceptical please don’t be, you even get a free (phone) consultation to see if it’s right for you. I’m now on my 5th session and can see a huge difference in daily life, you have to want to make the changes and work with her. Thank you Julie. Highly recommended. SHANNON

I just wanted to say a big thank you for helping me with my anxiety. It was so bad I was struggling on a daily basis! I have to admit I was a bit sceptical about Hypnotherapy at first but I’m so glad I tried it!!! From the very first session I left feeling positive and I now feel so much more confident, calm, strong and in control of my life. I cannot thank you enough Julie. You are a lovely lady inside and out and I would highly recommend you. Finally I have my life back. RACHEL (after 3 sessions)

man on a rock at sunset with arms outstretched above head

I was looking for help with my anxiety’s which were impacting on my health, but felt unsure of an alternative to medical intervention. Then I found Julie, who I knew from being a colleague in the past, and arranged an appointment. I was not sure how it would go.

Well on my initial appointment I felt extremely comfortable and open to Hypnotherapy. Julie made me feel I could truthfully explain what was causing my anxiety. Julie explained how the different areas of the brain works and how to be in control of our thoughts.

After the first session I knew I was in a better place and at the fourth session I was in a very different place with managing my thoughts; feeling stronger and positive.
I still listen to Julie’s CD at times, which now can send me into a very peaceful, relaxed sleep. Thank you Julie, you have a professional, calm, warm approach to make a real difference using hypnotherapy.   HEATHER

This was my first engagement with Julie and I cannot speak highly enough of Julie who provided all due explanations in respect of the sessions, and their goals. The sessions provided great assistance to me to tackle a longstanding phobia. I would thoroughly recommend Julie’s services.  DANIEL


From my first meeting with Julie I knew she would be able to help me with all my complex problems. She never judged me and I felt completely at ease. I can honestly say I completely opened up for the first time in my 66 years and let everything come out. I honestly didn’t think anyone would be able to help me. But Julie has got me over 2 major issues and I feel like a new person. She gave me confidence and my self esteem back. The hypnotherapy is so relaxing and you come out of her session feeling as if you could overcome anything.  I know I can never repay what she has given and done for me that no other therapy has (and I have had a lot). Thank you Julie – Hypnotherapy Helps – it truly does! JAYNE

I have suffered for years with anxiety/insomnia with the occasional bout of depression and I felt I was getting worse… Now I am sleeping for 6-8 hours every night and feel great. I will check in with Julie from time to time to avoid a relapse. Julie combines talking therapies and positive interactions with her own unique hypnotherapy.

So I can thoroughly recommend Julie’s own special mix of therapies. From being a very tired, anxious and miserable doubting Thomas I became again a happy, friendly and somewhat normal Peter! It is also nice to know that I can see Julie in the future if my symptoms return. PETER

Quit smoking/vaping

I just wanted to say a massive thank you. Dad has been smoke free now since he saw you.  I am so grateful and we’re all amazed that it worked on him. You weren’t lying when you said he will leave a non-smoker!  So thank you again.  Best wishes,  ALYCE (dad smoked 30+ cigarettes daily for 40yrs)

plane coming in to land against blue sky

Fears & phobias

I went to Julie for hypnotherapy for fear of flying, I’ve had the fear from a very young age.  I was unsure at first whether it would work but after 3 sessions I had a family holiday planned to Lapland.  I’ve got to say the treatment worked great.  I was at ease and was very relaxed.  So I can’t recommend her services enough.  Thank you Julie.  MATT

I really recommend Julie.  I had no idea what to expect but Julie immediately puts you at ease.  She explains the process really well and gets to the nub of the matter easily.  I was amazed at how positive the results were.  Thank you so much Julie. DENISE

I cannot believe the difference Julie has made to my life. For the past few years I have been plagued by anxiety, at times so overwhelming I found it hard to function on a day to day basis. I was slightly sceptical about how much difference hypnotherapy could make to my life but I am now recommending hypnotherapy to everyone! I have never felt more in control and able to reduce and manage my own anxiety levels. Now I recognise the early signs and Julie has given me the skills I need to manage them and prevent myself from escalating into full blown anxiety.

I am so impressed and amazed at the difference hypnotherapy has made to my life and I highly recommend anyone considering it if they are struggling to manage stress, anxiety or low mood.

Here’s Karen on Tintagel bridge, on a windy day! Having just overcome her fear of heights with me in hypnotherapy.

Even more incredible is that Julie has completely cured my lifelong fear of heights using hypnotherapy! I never would have believed that I could even step on, let alone walk across, the bridge at Tintagel Castle on a windy day! Absolutely amazing! Thank you Julie, you are amazing and hypnotherapy is like some kind of magic!!! KAREN

Julie has helped me overcome an extreme fear of flying. She was so kind to me and made me feel really comfortable. After vowing I’d never get on a plane again I went to see her. I’ve been away since and looking to book to go away again. To be able to look forward to going on holiday with my family without the sheer dread and panic of the flight taking over is something I’m very grateful for. LOUISE

clifftop view of sea and rugged coast in Cornwall

I just wanted to say a big Thank you for helping me overcome my fear of heights. Really still cant quite believe it!  I have to admit to being a bit sceptical about Hypnotherapy but  decided to give it a try – I`m so glad I did!!

Julie is very professional and calm and put me at ease from the very beginning. The process of the sessions was very clearly and carefully explained thus removing any concerns or anxiety. I am so grateful as this fear was at times crippling and very distressing. Now I can go to the theatre and sit in the balcony, and walk along the cliffs! I can happily climb that lighthouse – and all with confidence – the possibilities are endless!

I just wish I had done it sooner!  Anyway, I can certainly recommend this therapy – it is like a little piece of magic.  JESSICA


Hypnotherapy has helped me to put my life into perspective. I have never felt so confident in my own skin. You explained everything in an easily understandable way. Thank you for helping enrich my life, wish I’d done it years ago and I can never thank you enough. PATRICIA

Julie is truly so lovely and makes you feel at ease instantly.  It was worth every penny and I’ve come away feeling so much calmer and more in control of things.  I can’t recommend Julie enough. CHLOE

First can I say a big THANK YOU for how you have helped my wife. We have been together over 50yrs and she has a heart of gold and is very special! Since she has been seeing you I have seen a massive difference. She is so much more confident, which I am thankful for. I’m so glad we found you. PAUL (Husband of client with confidence issues)

Trauma & PTSD

blue sky over sea

I am completely and utterly transformed by Hypnotherapy Helps. My weekly sessions were ‘My Time’ to get everything off my chest and then totally relax and unwind. Using the tools Julie gave me I was able to focus on myself for a change. I always left in a euphoric state. I felt amazing. Let me say, you won’t find any better than Julie at Hypnotherapy Helps.

She is very calm and understanding, non judgmental and honest. I really loved seeing her, she lifted me up at every session. I could go on all day about how fantastic she is. She is a credit to the profession and I’m talking first hand experience. I think I might have monthly top up session as I can’t bare to leave completely. Why don’t you Go For It! You have nothing to lose and everything to gain.  LAYLA

I was in a bit of a hole – with not sleeping, anxiety and a few other issues from my past. I had tried everything including the doctors, but nothing seemed to work.

My wife wanted me to try hypnotherapy and although I wasn’t sure I am so glad I did. I am a different person! I would highly recommend Julie, she is a five star lady! STUART

Alcohol & addictions

I would 100% Recommend Julie. I came to Julie and Hypnotherapy after trying other means to regain control of alcohol. It was the best decision I made. Julie really explains how the brain works and gives you the tools to take away to help. For me, the change started straight away and I’m not looking back! Thank you!  SHARON

glass of whiskey splashing out of glass

Thank you, thank you and thank you. After only 1 session with you; I have been transformed. Four months on, and not a drop of alcohol has touched my lips! I am unbelievably amazed how this has happened, and so are my friends and family. I must admit, I was sceptical about hypnotherapy before I came to see you. I thought hypnotherapy was all about putting people to sleep; like you see on TV. But I couldn’t have been more wrong.

Your time, patience, understanding and non-judgmental approach, has given me insight into how my old weekend drinking habits, affected both my physical and mental health. You have given me a new pair of glasses to view my life through. Also a big bag of confidence to make positive changes to it. I am truly grateful for your advice and support; I will be recommending you to all that I meet. JENNIFER

I would just like to say that I’ve found hypnotherapy with Julie very helpful and calming and would not hesitate to recommend her. TERESA

Clearer thinking

the words"my brain has too many tabs open" printed on cardboard

Julie has such a calming and welcoming personality. She really listens to what you have to say and tailors everything around what you want to get out of your hypnotherapy experience. The night recordings great and I leave every session feeling much better than when I’ve gone in. Julie knows a lot about how the brain works and does a great job of explaining this to you simply. She is patient, knowledgeable and caring.

I went to see Julie because I had a lot going on in my life which was making me feel overwhelmed.  I had difficulty sleeping and I was really worried about the effect it was all going to have on my mental wellbeing.

crystal ball on beach reflecting a pink and blue senset

Julie started by explaining to me how the brain works. I found this to be so fascinating – it made sense to me! Therefore I was able to understand what was going on, and able to put things into some sort of perspective. Julie and I identified small and achievable goals I could work towards over a period of time. Doing it this way meant there was no pressure and just a feeling of positivity about what I was achieving.

The outcome of the sessions with Julie meant that my life now had a functional focus. I did not feel so overwhelmed and could see what was working well. As a consequence I feel more in control and I’ve made decisions that have had significant life changes which I’m very happy about.  Thank you Julie.  MICHELE


St Austell Cornwall

This treatment has made such a difference to my husband.  He is calmer and happier following the treatment for five or six days.  It’s like he can have a break from the dementia for a while, we both can.  He really enjoys it too, so he is happy to have a session, and is even happier afterwards.  He’s so relaxed in the session he sometimes falls asleep!   JOAN

Domestic abuse

A massive thank you to Julie, what a wonderful lady.  Julie helped me in overcoming my past trauma in domestic abuse caused many years ago and some other ongoing issues.  I never thought that hypnotherapy would help me. But with Julie’s help and with the tools she gave me, Julie made me feel relaxed and calm, she listened to me.  Can’t thank you enough for your help.  Now I can move forward, getting my self esteem back and my way of thinking. I can actually be me again.
Thank you again.   SHARON

Mindset change

man lying down looking at sky on sunny day by sea

I had Hypnotherapy with Julie after being diagnosed with MS, although I was physically well I was struggling with anxiety about any future relapses. Julie was so warm and welcoming, so calm and soothing. Julie was clear in explaining how the brain works and how negative/unhappy thoughts can manifest and grow, and with effort, how you can grow positive/happy thoughts.

It made real sense to me and the sessions made a huge difference on my well-being.  The techniques Julie gave me, which I still use today, keep me very happy, calm and positive. I would highly recommend hypnotherapy with Julie. EMILY

I’ve really valued the process I’ve been on with Julie and grateful for the various different treatments she’s used to help me work through some of the challenges. I’d highly recommend Julie and the works she does. ADRIAN

When the sessions started I was trapped in a never ending cycle of unhappiness. This was because I could not find answers to questions and situations that ultimately don’t have answers.  What I have learned is that it is ok to not have answers but to still allow myself to enjoy the moment and feel at home with the people that I care about and care about me.

Once we started the sessions it was easy! Everything was explained over the phone in terms that were really easy to visualise and to adopt into everyday situations. As a person I have realised just how much hypnotherapy can help retrain the mind! KEITH (USA)

st austell hypnotherapy

Hypnotherapy has been a new experience for myself and thought I’d give it a go. From the first introductory meeting Julie put me at ease with her friendly, relaxed persona along with advising how the process would work with her wealth of knowledge and experience.   I’ve suffered with self doubt and confidence over the years, and Julie has really helped to transform me. I’ve learnt a great deal about how to manage situations, and more importantly my mindset has changed to a more positive outlook from the hypnotherapy sessions. Julie has helped me in building a toolkit to tap into when faced with challenges in daily life, to keep me focused on positive thinking and believe anything is possible.

Julie is amazing with her talent, expertise and you’ll certainly be rewarded with the benefits hypnotherapy can bring you. Thank you Julie, I will be back to check in on a monthly basis to ensure I keep on track.  You truly are incredible and thank you once again for the journey to helping me become a more positive and confident person.  SARAH

Children & young people

Julie has been an absolute god send, her help and assistance has been invaluable. Julie is kind and caring, she goes above and beyond to help and I would recommend her to anyone. Thank you for everything Julie x CLAIRE

Julie has really helped my daughter with her anxiety and phobia of vomiting. It’s so lovely to see her worrying less and free to get on with her life. She was very anxious to try hypnotherapy at first, but is now recommending it to everyone! Julie is kind, calm and professional and feels like a reassuring pair of hands in which you can trust. I would certainly recommend her. From a very appreciative Mum! CHLOE

boy jumping above a puddle

Had my first session with Julie to help my son with a few ongoing issues he is having. Even after the first session – with the way she treated my son, and explained why he was having the problems he was having – he has already started improving. Both in his behaviour and in getting back to the lad he once was.

Julie has managed to achieve in one session more than what a therapist achieved in 8+ sessions. Cannot recommend Julie highly enough. Thank you again Julie. ELLIOT (Dad of 8yr old)

I can highly recommend Julie. After a few relaxing sessions, my daughter is now free of her life-limiting emetophobia. Very happy! JOANNA

(Mum of 11yrs son). When I first took our son to see Julie he was anxious all the time, scared to go to bed at night, not sleeping well, scared of being ill, vomiting and dying. This was obviously having a massive impact on him but also on us as a family. I wasn’t able to go out for the evening without him panicking that I wasn’t going to be home to put him to bed. He didn’t feel able to go to friend’s houses for sleepovers because he was so worried about being, ill. He was waking in the night most nights having panic attacks and it would take me ages to settle him back to sleep. We couldn’t watch any programs or films with vomiting in (and it’s surprising how many things it’s in these days!). Couldn’t even say the word out loud in conversation!

four boys jumping in a wood

Having had treatment with Julie myself I knew how amazing and successful hypnotherapy was so was confident she could make an enormous difference to him. I could never have believed just how much of a difference though, it’s incredible! To see him now, he is like a completely different child. He is so full of confidence, no longer worries about or overthinks things. He’s sleeping well, has overcome his fear of vomiting and has all the tools he needs to manage any stress or worries he may have.

He listens to Julie’s sleep therapy recording every night before bed which helps him to relax. Now he usually sleeps right through the night. On the odd occasions he does wake up, he no longer panics and is able to go back to sleep without needing me to reassure him.

Julie was so good at pitching the sessions just right and making our son feel so safe and relaxed that he often fell asleep during the trance!  I honestly cannot recommend Julie highly enough. She has made such an incredible difference, not just to our son but to our whole family. Thank you just doesn’t seem enough! KAREN

child swinging on tyre on rope by river

11yr old sons REVIEW: “When I first met Julie I was anxious. I would struggle to sleep and I had a phobia of sickness and vomiting. Julie is one of the kindest people I have ever met and was the best hypnotherapist I could of wished for. She helped me feel safe and relaxed during the sessions. I think the sessions are the perfect duration. My trance work was so relaxing I often fell asleep!

Once my hypnotherapy had finished my anxiety had gone, my confidence grew and most importantly I overcame my phobia. I cannot believe how much I have changed during my hypnotherapy. I thank you Julie. 🙂 REUBEN

St Austell Cornwall

(9yr olds mum) Thank you so much for helping our son with his fear of dogs.  We really have seen quite a remarkable transformation. He is now confident around dogs whereas previously he was terrified even at the sight of them. The sessions with you were relaxed and he was comfortable and felt at ease throughout the entire process. It really has made a huge impact on all our lives as to the places we can now visit and enjoy without fear. We are, as a family, extremely grateful for all your help. JENNY